I’m still working towards a system for sharing my notes, which are now outdated; and that’s the actual problem. I’m noticing that the notes I upload get instantly outdated.
I found it kind of silly to expect my daily notes to be static. Maybe they’ll be, once the term has finished, once I move on to a different topic.
So I’d either:
- Share my notes without a conversion process, which is what I’m doing now (transforming my canvases into PDF files, uploading them to a bucket, creating a blog post entry)
- I don’t like this idea much, I like uploading a copy of my notes to the internet. Somewhy it feels wrong to share the original file.
- Come up with a fully fledged “automated” system that does this for me
- Automated in quotes because there’ll always be a first manual task: concluding that the note is shareable.
- Wait until the term has finished. Share the notes.
And I’m leaning towards the third option as time progresses, my notes keep getting modified and richer, and I’m having less capacity (time/energy) I can assign to non-uni stuff (this would be meta-uni?)
So, for now, list of notes will remain as it is. I wouldn’t like to share crappy notes, nor outdated versions, nor sighing every time I want to share notes. Good thing is that I don’t need extra effort to store them infinitely (unless the service I’m using decides I’m hosting enough files).
But my biggest conclusion is that this blog shouldn’t be a hassle for myself, rather, my medium of expression, a place to rest my mind, and not a commercial-linkedinfriendly-viralseeking-algorithmpleasing-purposedriven product.

My sleeping cat, as the closest visual representation on calmness I found in my camera roll