Author: frnkquito

Underestimating the sentimental impact of being ill

I’ve been recently under the weather, having “the flu”. I’ve been feeling like crap. To be honest, not much of this crap feeling was due to physical pain or discomfort; tiredness, muscle pain, sore throat…you might experience them even during light training sometimes. I can push through that. But emotional discomfort, oh my, what a […]

20240531: Debugging pub/sub locally

I may be highly influenced by having worked with APIs for so long. This week I’ve been debugging a cloud pub/sub system. Specifically, two topics with one publisher and four subscriber services each. The problem was data being corrupted intermittently at some point of the many subscribers (or the publisher? 🤔). And by corruption I […]

On sharing my notes: depurposifying my blog

I’m still working towards a system for sharing my notes, which are now outdated; and that’s the actual problem. I’m noticing that the notes I upload get instantly outdated. I found it kind of silly to expect my daily notes to be static. Maybe they’ll be, once the term has finished, once I move on […]

The Cathedral, the Bazaar, and The Pillars of the Earth

Looking for a book to read, after finishing “After Dark” by Murakami in a bored-for-five-pages entertained-for-the-next-five kind of fashion, I stumbled upon “The Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follett, thanks to Goodreads’ association to “The Name of the Rose”, a book I’ve been pleased by. I was surprised with how much I was relating […]